registries #
App-model registries, such as menus, keybindings, commands.
CommandsRegistry #
CommandsRegistry(injection_store: Store | None = None, raise_synchronous_exceptions: bool = False)
Registry for commands (callable objects).
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execute_command #
execute_command(id: str, *args: Any, execute_asynchronously: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> Future
Execute a registered command.
) –ID of the command to execute
, default:()
) –Positional arguments to pass to the command
, default:False
) –Whether to execute the command asynchronously in a thread, by default
. Note that regardless of this setting, the return value will implement theFuture
API (so it's necessary) to callresult()
on the returned object. Eventually, this will default to True, but we need to solveensure_main_thread
Qt threading issues first -
, default:{}
) –Keyword arguments to pass to the command
) –Future object containing the result of the command
–If the command is not registered or has no callbacks.
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register_action #
register_action(action: Action) -> DisposeCallable
Register an Action object.
This is a convenience method that registers the action's callback
with the action's ID and title using register_command
) –Action to register
–A function that can be called to unregister the action.
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register_command #
register_command(id: str, callback: Callable[P, R] | str, title: str) -> DisposeCallable
Register a callable as the handler for command id
) –Command identifier
) –Callable to be called when the command is executed
) –Title for the command.
–A function that can be called to unregister the command.
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KeyBindingsRegistry #
Registry for keybindings.
(Callable[[KeyBinding], str] | None
) –Optional function for applying additional
filtering. Callable should accept aKeyBinding
object and return an error message (str
) ifKeyBinding
is rejected, or empty string otherwise.
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42 43 44 |
filter_keybinding: Callable[[KeyBinding], str] | None
Return the filter_keybinding
get_keybinding #
get_keybinding(key: str) -> _RegisteredKeyBinding | None
Return the first keybinding that matches the given command ID.
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register_action_keybindings #
register_action_keybindings(action: Action) -> DisposeCallable | None
Register all keybindings declared in action.keybindings
) –The action to register keybindings for.
DisposeCallable | None
–A function that can be called to unregister the keybindings. If no keybindings were registered, returns None.
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register_keybinding_rule #
register_keybinding_rule(id: str, rule: KeyBindingRule) -> DisposeCallable | None
Register a new keybinding rule.
) –Command identifier that should be run when the keybinding is triggered
) –KeyBinding information
–A callable that can be used to unregister the keybinding
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MenusRegistry #
Registry for menu and submenu items.
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23 24 |
append_action_menus #
append_action_menus(action: Action) -> DisposeCallable | None
Append all MenuRule items declared in action.menus
) –The action containing menus to append.
DisposeCallable | None
–A function that can be called to unregister the menu items. If no menu items were registered, returns
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append_menu_items #
append_menu_items(items: Iterable[tuple[MenuId, MenuOrSubmenu]]) -> DisposeCallable
Append menu items to the registry.
–A function that can be called to unregister the menu items.
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get_menu #
get_menu(menu_id: MenuId) -> list[MenuOrSubmenu]
Return menu items for menu_id
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115 116 117 118 |
iter_menu_groups #
iter_menu_groups(menu_id: MenuId) -> Iterator[list[MenuOrSubmenu]]
Iterate over menu groups for menu_id
Groups are broken into sections (lists of menu or submenu items) based on
their group
attribute. And each group is sorted by order
) –The menu ID to return groups for.
–Iterator of menu/submenu groups.
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RegisteredCommand #
RegisteredCommand(id: str, callback: Callable[P, R] | str, title: str, store: Store | None = None)
Bases: Generic[P, R]
Small object to represent a command in the CommandsRegistry.
Used internally by the CommandsRegistry.
This helper class allows us to cache the dependency-injected variant of the command, so that type resolution and dependency injection is performed only once.
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resolved_callback: Callable[P, R]
Return the resolved command callback.
This property is cached, so the callback types are only resolved once.
run_injected: Callable[P, R]
Return the command callback with dependencies injected.
This property is cached, so the injected version is only created once.
register_action #
register_action(app: Application | str, id_or_action: str | Action, title: str | None = None, *, callback: CommandCallable | None = None, category: str | None = None, tooltip: str | None = None, icon: IconOrDict | None = None, enablement: expressions.Expr | None = None, menus: list[MenuRuleOrDict] | None = None, keybindings: list[KeyBindingRuleOrDict] | None = None, palette: bool = True) -> CommandDecorator | DisposeCallable
Register an action.
This is a functional form of the
It accepts various overloads to allow for a more concise syntax. See examples
An Action
is the "complete" representation of a command. The command is the
function/callback itself, and an action also includes information about where and
whether it appears in menus and optional keybinding rules. Since, most of the
arguments to this function are simply passed through to the Action
see also docstrings for:
(Application | str
) –The app in which to register the action. If a string, the app is retrieved or created as necessary using
. -
(str | Action
) –Either a complete Action object or a string id of the command being registered. If an
object is provided, then all other arguments are ignored. -
(str | None
, default:None
) –Title by which the command is represented in the UI. Required when
is a string. -
(CommandHandler | None
, default:None
) –Callable object that executes this command, by default None. If not provided, a decorator is returned that can be used to decorate a function that executes this action.
(str | None
, default:None
) –Category string by which the command may be grouped in the UI, by default None
(str | None
, default:None
) –Tooltip to show when hovered., by default None
(Icon | None
, default:None
) –Icon
used to represent this command, e.g. on buttons or in menus. by default None -
(Expr | None
, default:None
) –Condition which must be true to enable the command in in the UI, by default None
(list[MenuRuleOrDict] | None
, default:None
) –List of
or kwargdicts
containing menu placements for this action, by default None -
(list[KeyBindingRuleOrDict] | None
, default:None
) –List of
or kwargsdicts
containing default keybindings for this action, by default None -
, default:True
) –Whether to adds this command to the Command Palette, by default True
is not provided, then a decorator is returned that can be used to decorate a function as the executor of the command. -
is provided, orid_or_action
is anAction
object, then a function is returned that may be used to unregister the action.
is a string andtitle
is not provided. -
is not a string or anAction
This function can be used directly or as a decorator, and accepts arguments in various forms.
Passing an existing Action object#
When the id_or_action
argument is an instance of app_model.Action
, then
all other arguments are ignored, the action object is registered directly, and the
return value is a function that may be used to unregister the action is returned.
from app_model import Application, Action, register_action
app = Application.get_or_create("myapp")
action = Action("my_action", title="My Action", callback=lambda: print("hi"))
register_action(app, action)
app.commands.execute_command("my_action") # prints "hi"
Creating a new Action#
When the id_or_action
argument is a string, it is interpreted as the id
of the command being registered, in which case title
must then also be provided.
All other arguments are optional, but may be used to customize the action being
created (with keybindings, menus, icons, etc).
title="My Action2",
callback=lambda: print("hello again!"),
app.commands.execute_command("my_action2") # prints "hello again!"
Usage as a decorator#
If callback
is not provided, then a decorator is returned that can be used
decorate a function as the executor of the command:
@register_action(app, "my_action3", title="My Action3")
def my_action3():
print("hello again, again!")
app.commands.execute_command("my_action3") # prints "hello again, again!"
Passing app as a string#
Note that in all of the above examples, the first app
argument may be either an
instance of an Application
object, or a string name of
an application. If a string is provided, then the application is retrieved or
created as necessary using
"myapp", # app name instead of Application instance
title="My Action4",
callback=lambda: print("hello again, again, again!"),
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